College City Radio Club
The CCRC repeater W0IHI is located on the campus of St. Olaf College. The
frequency is 146.655 with a PL code of 136.5, and it's open to all FCC
licensed Amateur Radio Operators.
The Club obtained the call sign of Weldon Hogie, the founder of the Club
after he became a SK.
Repeater Down
The W0IHI repeater is currently off the air due to a failure of the repeater
controller. The repeater committee is working on getting the repeater back
on the air, but conditions imposed by the Covid19 virus will impact the
completion of the work.
Repeater Interference
We have discovered radio interference on the repeater output frequency 146.655 that was so strong that it could not be squelched with handhelds. This is interference is intermittent and is also a problem at several club member's QTH. It is a wide area problem that we should try to locate. If you observe it, please note the times and signal strengths and send an email to the club president.
Saturday, March 21, 2020 7:22:25 PM